
I am a mother of three beautiful girls Breana, Giraldine, and Emilee. Married to a wonderful, supportive and very loving man. We also have two beautiful dogs named Sparkles and Joon. My husband is serving in the United States Army. Which makes me very proud of what he does for our country.

Traveling is one of the things we do most in the military. It has given us a chance to build wonderful lifelong friendships along the way. We hope that this blogger will help us keep close to those friends.

Aside from running my home daycare business, I devote my time to my family and Church. These are the two most important things in my life.


16 July 2008

In the arch

In 1804 Lewis and Clark began the journey to the west. Many years later, the idea of the Gateway to the West was coined. The other day the family took a journey to the Gateway to the the West.

The very top of the arch stands 630 feet from the ground. Although we were pretty high up, the view below was spectacular.

Thanks to modern "zoom" buttons on cell phones, we got some pretty decent pictures. The green top building is the very old St. Louis court house and of course, the baseball field is a picture of Busch stadium.

We took a ride aboard the "Tom Sawyer" riverboat, where we were happy to catch a picture in front of the Arch from the river.

*Yet another post created by Bree, from a mother's view*

15 July 2008

Fourth of July

This year we decided to go to Six Flags for the fourth.

I got sick after the first ride and stuck to the water rides after that.

13 July 2008

Giraldine's Talk

Elder Orson F. Whitney qouted:

"The Lord's plan is perfect, his commandments have inviewed the salvation of the body as well as the spirit, for it is the soul that will be redeemed from the grave and glorified. God has commanded us to care for the spirit as well as the body, and gave it food in due season and He set aside the Sabbath day that man might rest from his temporal labors and go to the house of the Lord and be fed with the influence which nourishes the spirit of man. That is why we meet on the Sabbath day. Our spirits need their food, the same as do our bodies and if we neglect them, they will starve and dwindle and die upon the same principle that the body will die when deprived of it's proper nourishment."

What an awesome talk she gave.

08 July 2008

Joon, the Before and the After

You have seen the before of Joon (which we decided to name her). Finally after two weeks wait after her spaying, we got her groomed.



When she came home Sparkles thought she was a completely different dog, but after a few weeks they began getting along. We are finally beginning to see the other side of Joon as they play more together, before she was sooo mellow but it turns out that she is not as mellow as we thought.

Ducks, Ducks, and more Ducks

I decided to take the kids to a duck pond to feed the ducks. There were a lot of ducks and very little bread. Even when the bread ran out, the kids still enjoyed watching them swim back and forth.

Such pretty Ducks.

Watching for ducks.

Of course the older girls chose to stick around the baby instead.
*Created by yours truly, Bree*

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh Yeah!

My children, daycare children, and me at the zoo. The zoo was a blast, but we didn't enjoy the extremely hot temperature.

We saw bears of all sorts, penguins of different sizes, and the petting zoo for children. After the day at the zoo flew by, everyone was exhausted and decided to take a nap afterwards.

*created by yours truly, Bree*

Sink or Float

Grandma and grandpa came into town and one thing on our list was to learn to swim. They took the kids to the pool and we had a blast trying to stay afloat. The neighborhood center here offers an indoor pool. Nothing here is nearly as nice as Fort Bragg. We have to remember we are on a very small Air Force Base.

The girls take a dive into the pool and race off against each other. They had so much fun, so did grandma and grandpa!

Giraldine and Breana enjoyed their time to swim and would not stop for a break until the time came to leave.

Emilee decided to join in on all the fun and decided to learn to swim herself. She starts off simple with the classic doggy paddle. Of Course with the additional help from grandma and grandpa. She works real hard to keep up with her sisters.
*created by yours truly, Bree*